Analityk Danych w Zespole ds. Ryzyka i Zgodności Regulacyjnej

  • Warszawa
  • Ey
The opportunity As a member of the Financial Crimes Consulting team you’ll assist global financial services firms with technology improvement in a broad range of regulatory compliance areas. You’ll be assisting initiatives that provide strategic enhancement of IT systems or operational processes supporting financial crimes risk management. You’ll be in a client facing role through enabling technologies in anti-money laundering (AML) and sanctions. Your key responsibilities: Participation in projects in the field of risk management, regulatory compliance and optimization of business processes using data analysis methods. Creating comprehensive analyses to identify and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets. Ability to understand and respond to client needs while keeping up-to-date with the latest AI and machine learning trends used for preventing financial crimes. Skills and attributes for success: Ability to research client inquiries and understand emerging issues in financial crimes compliance, including regulations, industry practices, and new technologies. Willingness to travel as needed to meet client requirements. Strong analytical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. Ability to convey and present complex findings in an easy-to-understand manner. To qualify for the role, you must have: University degree or being last year student of econometrics/ financial technology/ computer science, data science or similar major. Competency in languages such as Python, R, Scala or Spark for machine-learning purposes. Good knowledge of SQL. Proficiency in MS Excel. Strong verbal and written communication skills in English. German language skills are a definite plus. Highly developed analytical and problem solving skills. High standard of integrity and confidentiality. Ideally, you’ll also have Previous experience or interest in the area of IT audit, IT risk or IT security. Experience with cloud platforms, preferably Azure, and distributed systems ( Hadoop, Spark). Experience working with containerization technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes or other. Experience working with various algorithms such as decision trees, neural networks, logistic regression. Availability to work full time. What We Offer: Competitive compensation package where you’ll be rewarded based on your performance and recognized for the value you bring to our business. In addition, our Total Rewards package includes medical and coverage and a wide range of paid time off options. Under our flexible vacation policy, you’ll decide how much vacation time you need based on your own personal circumstances. You’ll also be granted time off for Personal/Family Care, and other leaves of absence when needed to support your physical, financial, and emotional well-being. Additionally, we offer: Continuous learning - You’ll develop the mindset and skills to navigate whatever comes next. Success as defined by you - We’ll provide the tools and flexibility, so you can make a meaningful impact, your way. Transformative leadership - We’ll give you the insights, coaching and confidence to be the leader the world needs. Diverse and inclusive culture - You’ll be embraced for who you are and empowered to use your voice to help others find theirs. Support in acquiring qualifications and certificates. Udemy for Business – access to over 3000 courses. Go Fluent – platform that offers language courses on various levels. EY Badges – global certification of your competencies and an opportunity to earn an MBA title of a reputable Hult International Business School. Career Counselor – assigned experienced advisor, who will support your career growth in EY. Innovate EY – unique program thanks to which you can create your own start-up utilizing our know-how and financing. EY Care&Wellness – benefits program. O EY Polska Jesteśmy globalną firmą doradczą - pomagamy przedsiębiorcom, organizacjom i społecznościom najlepiej wykorzystać swój potencjał. Zespoły audytorskie, consultingowe, prawne, strategiczne, podatkowe i transakcyjne zadają nieoczywiste pytania, by móc znaleźć nowe odpowiedzi na złożone wyzwania, przed którymi stoi dziś świat. Zatrudniamy ponad 300 000 wyjątkowych ludzi w ponad 150 krajach na świecie. W Polsce jest nas ponad 5000, pracujemy w: Warszawie, Gdańsku, Katowicach, Krakowie, Łodzi, Poznaniu i Wrocławiu. Codziennie tworzymy razem niesamowite rzeczy. Mamy ludzi, ścieżkę rozwoju i szkolenia, dzięki którym będziesz się szybko rozwijać, zdobywając doświadczenie na kolejnych projektach. Dbamy o środowisko – nie tylko biznesowe. EY ogłosił - jako pierwsza firma z „wielkiej czwórki” - plan redukcji emisji dwutlenku węgla, tak by osiągnąć cel zerowej emisji netto w 2025 roku. W ramach realizacji założonego planu, zmniejszyliśmy swoją globalną emisję gazów cieplarnianych w roku fiskalnym 2021 aż o 60% i zrealizowaliśmy cel ujemnej emisji dwutlenku węgla w skali całej organizacji. EY jest pracodawcą równych szans, doceniamy różnorodność w zakresie wiedzy i doświadczenia naszych pracowników. EY zapewnia wszystkim kandydatom jednakowe szanse w procesie rekrutacji, niezależnie od płci, wieku, rasy, wyznania, orientacji seksualnej, pochodzenia, niepełnosprawności lub jakiejkolwiek innej prawnie chronionej podstawy, zgodnie z obowiązującym prawem.