Technical IT Manager - Marketing & Innovation

  • Gdańsk
  • Arla Global Shared Services Sp. Z O.o.
Technical IT Manager - Marketing & Innovation Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk Technologies we use Expected Java Azure Optional Enovia Esko Operating system Windows About the project The Marketing & Innovation (M&I) Agile Release Train (ART) in Arla IT is responsible for delivering solutions to our colleagues in the marketing and innovation business area. We are currently focused on developing contemporary and scalable solutions for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Packaging Artwork Management (PAM). This involves utilizing tools like 3Dexperience Enovia (PLM) and Esko WebCenter (PAM), along with Java-based integrations on Microsoft Azure PaaS. Your responsibilities Building and leading a team of software developers, testers and solution consultants Providing technical guidance, mentorship, and support to the team members Creating and reviewing technical designs – in collaboration with your team Setting the standard for documentation and securing long-term anchoring of technical knowledge Enforcing quality standards through review of implementations Setting the technical direction and work to build the technical competencies in the team Ensuring compliance with Arla security and privacy standards Aligning with other Solution Architects and the Release Train Architect on integrations and data flows between systems Setting clear goals and expectations for the team and individuals Conducting regular performance evaluations and providing constructive feedback to team members Facilitating communication and coordination within the team and with other departments Our requirements A degree within Information Systems, Computer Science, Engineering or similar. Alternatively, significant work experience in a similar or related field A solid proven technical background as an IT architect or as a software developer A solid understanding of modern software development and system integration practices Experience designing and implementing scalable and robust software solutions A strong drive for being a mentor, building the skills of your colleagues and enabling them to perform. 1-3 years of experience as a people manager is an advantage, but not a requirement English language skills on a business level This is how we organize our work This is how we work in house you develop several projects simultaneously you have influence on the choice of tools and technologies you have influence on the technological solutions applied you have influence on the product scrum What we offer International operating environment Medical care & life insurance Additional benefits like gym card, vouchers, travel points or cinema tickets, etc. Scandinavian working style & no dress code Trainings with experts & professional induction & development programs Financial support of your education Relocation package Hybrid working model 50:50 Referral program for employees Employee Assistance Program (legal, psychological, health, financial consulting, etc. ) Support for your healthy lifestyle (fruit day, facility for sportsmen, sport challenges and activities, Arla active teams / sport groups) Flexible working time and home office work possibility depending on business needs Additional holiday depending on length of employment (up to 4 days) Fully paid 30 min. break Recruitment stages Phone screening – 15 - 20 min Technical interview (online) – 60min HR Interview (online) – 60 min … while in the office you can also use some of below: Modern office space with beautiful view and high standard furniture (i.e. adjustable desks) Spacious canteen, delicious coffee and tea available on every floor in special designed spots Chill-out rooms with X-box, pool table, board games, football table and swing Are you seeking a new opportunity that allows you to develop and showcase your skills in both people management and technical expertise? At Arla, we value individuals who excel in both areas and are open to considering candidates with this unique combination. This role offers the chance to not only build and lead a department but also take on the exciting responsibilities of a solution architect. As of now, we have an IT Operations and an IT Solutions division dedicated to SAP as well as a variety of app development and implementation projects. Our procurement and finance functions support a wide array of processes such as purchasing, distribution and sales globally. We also have a dedicated HR operations division to ensure we attract, develop and retain the very best of talent around the world. Together, we are all dedicated to one collective mission: ensuring an optimal global supply of fresh Arla products – every single day. Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o. Welcome to Global Shared Services in Gdańsk Arla is a global farmer-owned organization behind many well-known and well-loved brands. You will become a part of our Global Shared Services in Gdańsk. You will join over 600 colleagues dedicated to supporting all of Arla. We currently have an IT Operations department and an IT Solutions department dedicated to SAP as well as a variety of app development and implementation projects. Our Procurement, Finance and Logistics departments support a wide range of processes such as purchasing, distribution and sales worldwide. We have a dedicated HR operations department that ensures the attraction, development and retention of the best talent around the world. Member Relations department supports our farmers in their everyday work. With over 14 years of existence in Gdańsk, we offer you a wealth of knowledge and the opportunity to participate in challenging and exciting innovation projects. As a part of the Arla organization, you will also enjoy a Scandinavian, collaborative work culture. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w przesłanych przeze mnie dokumentach przez Arla Global Shared Services spółkę z o. o. z siedzibą w Gdańsku (80-244) przy Al. Grunwaldzkiej 103A, w celach niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji, przeprowadzonego przez Arla GSS Sp. z o.o. Klauzula informacyjna Zgodnie z art.13 RODO, informuje się, iż Administratorem państwa danych osobowych, przetwarzanych w związku z prowadzonym procesem rekrutacji jest Arla GSS Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Gdańsku (80-244) przy Al. Grunwaldzkiej 103A. Dane kontaktowe do Administratora w sprawie ochrony danych osobowych: Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu realizacji projektu rekrutacji. Podstawą prawną przetwarzania danych osobowych jest przepis prawa (art. 22(1) k.p.) oraz zgoda (Art. 6 ust. 1 a RODO). Dane osobowe mogą być przekazywane (ujawniane) organom publicznym wyłącznie na mocy obowiązujących przepisów prawa. Dane osobowe mogą być ujawniane procesorom, czyli podmiotom przetwarzającym dane na zlecenie Administratora danych w toku procesu rekrutacji ze względu na wykorzystywane metody i narzędzia. Dane przechowywane będą w przypadku osób, z którymi zostanie zawarta umowa o pracę przez czas trwania umowy, a następnie w oparciu o obowiązujące przepisy prawa, natomiast dane osób, z którymi nie zostanie zawarta umowa o pracę przez okres 1 roku kalendarzowego, następnie dane zostaną zanonimizowane. Informuje się o następujących przysługujących prawach: a. prawo wycofania zgody na przetwarzanie danych, b. prawo dostępu do danych osobowych, c. prawo żądania sprostowania danych osobowych, d. prawo żądania usunięcia danych osobowych, e. prawo żądania ograniczenia przetwarzania danych osobowych, f. prawo do przenoszenia danych osobowych danych przetwarzanych na podstawie umowy lub na podstawie zgody (Kontakt do administratora: g. prawo wycofania zgody co jednak nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, przed jej wycofaniem, h. prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Organem nadzorczym jest Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych osobowych z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-193) przy ul. Stawki 2. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, jednak niezbędne do realizacji celów, do jakich będą zebrane. Informuje się, iż w procesie realizacji postanowień umowy nie występuje i nie są podejmowane decyzje w oparciu o zautomatyzowane profilowanie. Administrator danych nie przewiduje zmiany celu przetwarzania danych osobowych.